House of the Dragon

Item #TypeDiscriptionSpecial Edition
01PopAlicent Hightower
02PopViserys Targaryen
03PopAlicent Hightower
04PopCorlys Velaryon
05PopDaemon Targaryen
06PopRhaenyra Targaryen
08PopOtto Hightower
09PopDaemon Targaryen w/ Dragon EggFunko
10PopCaraxes MetallicWB Shop
13PopAemond Targaryen
15PopViserys Targaryen

Yes! I was looking online to see if anyone had acquired Caraxes and found it available via my local Target Store. So, it has been added to the collection! No intention of acquiring the WB Shop release, as it is doubtful that it will come to be. That doesn’t mean that I won’t add it if I come across one at a good price.