Marine (Dress Blues)

Type:Pop! Vinyl
Item #:722251
Trending Price:$100
Amazon Price:$
Ebay Price:$

No, that is not a misprint in the trending price of this pop. I about fell out of my shoes when I saw this pop appear in the top of my collection sorted on Value. $100 … and the Pop is Vaulted. Why? Because a lot of mothers decided, after the Pop didn’t sell well, that they wanted this pop after their son’s joined the United States Marine Corp. I understand. I bought this pop because of my son who is a Marine. But I paid the price for it while it was still $9 at Walmart. Am I going to turn this Pop, take advantage of the demand for it? No. And remember, the market for collectables is fickle. The value of a collectable is no more than you can get someone to pay for it.